The New Life
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The New Life

Based around Harry Potter 3 generations after the end of the books. New struggles are stirring, which side are you on?
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 Mission : Activate Site

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Head Mistress
Head Mistress

Female Gemini Dog
Posts : 216
Points : 322
Birthday : 1994-05-27
Join date : 2008-10-25
Age : 30
Location : UK

RPG Section
Character Name: Jessica Rivers
Age: 27
Race: Witch

Mission : Activate Site Empty
PostSubject: Mission : Activate Site   Mission : Activate Site EmptyThu 18 Feb 2010, 4:48 am

Hey guys so you have probably noticed the site falling into the dark depths of inactivity the last few months and as from today we are going to change that!

So first I am going to do some major reworking around the site, don't worry you shouldn't get too confused, I am simply adding aboard here and there.

Next I will add some new posts! We all need new posts! Mainly in the role-play section, but others too.

Lastly I am going to do some advertising! So please help me out on this one!! Tell all your friends about the site, get them to join, post links on other sites telling them how great we are, etc etc. The more people the more posts, the more fun!

So please, keep an eye out for all the new updates around the site and I will keep you informed of any changes that will affect you directly.

Please enjoy your time on the site, and I look forward to seeing you round!



P.S. Check out this site here, its quite cool, I set this up for tnl its like a chat room.
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Mission : Activate Site
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